Specializing in Rehabilitation Programs, Body Evaluation, Chiropractic Treatment, and More
Sports Chiropractic Services Specializing in repetitive overuse sports injuries
At Pro Swing Athletics, patients may anticipate receiving a wide range of services, such as injury evaluations, rehabilitation programs, performance enhancement training, and nutritional counseling. These are just some of the services that are available. Our mission is to provide patients with the support they need to recuperate from injuries, as well as improve their general health and level of physical fitness so that they can continue to lead active lives.
Our Services
Chiropractic & Manual Therapy
The chiropractic adjustment is a specialized procedure in which chiropractors, through the use their hands, apply a very specific force to spinal or extremity joints to restore them to their normal motion. This corrects joint alignment which improves and optimizes the body’s proper function. We will also identify muscular imbalances and improper movement patterns and restore them to optimal performance.
Functional Movement Training
Training the body as it was designed to move is our top priority. After thoroughly identifying improper movement patterns, functional movement training will reinforce the ideal patterns that give you optimal performance.
Full Body Evaluation
Our approach to optimal human performance is through a head-to-toe physical evaluation. We identify nerve impingements, structural misalignments, and muscular imbalances. Evaluating the entire kinetic chain allows us to find the true reason for why you are having pain. Oftentimes, the site of pain is breaking down and compensating for another part of your body that is not optimally functioning.